Me Time!
Earlier this week I had some well recommenddeserved me time: Got my hur, brows and lashes did! This is something I have not done for ages and it was so nice just having someone else do it, having a professional do it.
First I got my brows and lashes done a Indulge Beauty Therapy here in Windsor. And let me tell thee, both were a disaster. So I got both tinted, lashes blue black and brows dark brown. You might think: "Whaaaat blue black lashes, she cray cray!" But no that is actually the colour of normal mascara.
The beauty therapist Toni, was such a pro at what she was doing. She was super fast with the waxing and plucking. And to my surprise it was pretty pain free.
Here is a photo of the result, note this is a process to reshape my brows and make them thicker so I will go back a few more times before they are perfect.

The photo does not do the result justice!
After that I had some time to kill before my hair cut so I went to lunch by myself at a fancier place then I usually would called Jagz. Do you guys go out for lunch alone? I like it, gives you time to think and relax. Anyway I did not realized how big the portions were going to be so I orderd a Chicken Salad with a side of Wedges plus a Feijoa juice. Now take a look at the photo and you will see that I obviously ordered way too much food but oh well.

But it was SUPER yummy! Highly recommend the Wedges!
Finally I was going to cut my hair after not doing since I shaved it all off over 2 years and 7 close to 8 months. I was both scared and excited to be honest.
I was lucky to have my brother in laws aunty work as a hairdresser just arounder corner at a salon called Trimbles. And I gotta say I was very impressed with the work Michelle did and at a very good price too. No family discount just the normal price, so anyone can go and get a good cut, wash and style for $60 from Michelle.
Photo of the result!

This is after a nap and my hair still looks amazing and so healthy!
Next up is a facial with a brow tint & wax and a lash tint. And because Indulgance has a promotion going I will receive a free facemask to tale home!
And when it comes to my hair I am definatly taking care of my hair colour. Maybe even doing a copper ombré.
Make sure to check both Trimbles and Indulge Beauty Therapy out on Facebook.

Heya! This is a blog about my new adventures down south in Invercargill together with my wee family.