This is me and my "new life" starting down in the south in Invercargill.

Caught up in dream.

Publicerad 2015-03-18 08:45:10 i

As you have maybe noticed I have not posted anything in a few days and the honest reason is that reality has caught up with me. Bills, insurance, random issues and so on.

It has kinda felt like I've been in a dream or something. Well, more like a tourist from up north on holiday down south. But now there is so much "everyday stuff" to do. The other day I walked across town to get a bloody mail box. #dedicated

Also I'm kinda missing my family and Rotorua. I mean my sister just had a beautiful little girl and I miss my niece the most to be honest. She is sucha cutie little wee burrito!

OK guy enough about all this boooring stuff! Soon there will be more things happening!


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Heya! This is a blog about my new adventures down south in Invercargill together with my wee family.

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