This is me and my "new life" starting down in the south in Invercargill.

Miss Jennie

Publicerad 2015-03-20 10:17:59 i Allmänt,

Let me introduce to you Jennie my furbabie! Isn't she the cutest?! We have had her for over a year now and she is 2 years old and of course a rescue cat. She was actually a valentines gift for Russie since he had a cat when he was younger but I think I have grown to love her more and I am definitely more attached to her.
Today we let her outside by herself to explore the garden and she just loved it. She even met a friend. Some of you might be thinking: "wow they only just let her out?!" Well the thing is, and we did check with both the vet and The SPCA, when a cat gets a new home you need to keep her inside for about 2 weeks so they learn that this is their home and they have plenty of time to mark it as theirs. We did take her out now and then on a leash to get some fresh air because we did feel bad keeping her inside for that long.
Funny enough she did not like the house at all at first. So we put her in the sleep out and she was much more relaxed and no so scared. We made it her own little house, with a new scratching pole and blankets and toys for her to play with. Of course she had food water and a litter box. I would visiting her multiple times a day and play with her and give her love and cuddles. 
The sleep out is like a "normal" house, its has windows doors, insulated walls and electricity just no water and toilet. But we did want her to eventually come live in the main house with us. So about 3 days ago she seemed really bored and lonely and that was the sign for her to move in. 
At first she spend about 2 hours just exploring and sniffing the whole house. She did seem abit tense about it and I was unsure if she would like being here. But after a while she lay down on the floor and rolled around. She wanted her tummy scratched and that was her way of saying yes I like it! SO now we have moved all her stuff in and she lives with us. 
Check out this cute cuddly video of her!

Jennie from Vildana Mesic on Vimeo.



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Heya! This is a blog about my new adventures down south in Invercargill together with my wee family.

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