This is me and my "new life" starting down in the south in Invercargill.

Waiting annnnnd waiting...

Publicerad 2015-03-03 11:48:10 i

The whole house is still awake even tho its almost midnight. But its because we are waiting for Pappa to arrivre from Sweden! Eeeeek so excited! Yes, he arrives 9am but still! He has been away all summer. 

Its of course going to be so damn awesome to eat all the Swedish lollies and chocolate. Especially salty liquorish! Loooooove salty black liquorish! Its such a Scandanavian thing. Some of you might know it by the Finnish name Salmiak. God its so yummy!

Now its not long until I fly out. At the moment it feels like time is going so damn slowly! Gaaaaah! I've watched what feels like every TV show possible. Hmm I guess this is what happens when you are OCD like organized. Atleast everything is ready to go.

Oh btw this is the first post I have done on the app. Pretty nifty aye?


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Heya! This is a blog about my new adventures down south in Invercargill together with my wee family.

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