Invercargill wow!

Invercargill just keep on impressing me! So the last two days its been pouring down, which means I had to take the bus into town. And wow am I impressed! Their bus system is so good and well planned! I'll do this in bullet point so its easier for you to read rather then me just blabbing on.
- Adult fare prices are $2.80 BUT $1.40 of peak which is 9am to 2.55pm weekdays and 10.30am to 3.40pm on Saturdays.
- Bus Smart Card users get 10% all bus fares
- There are 4 bus routes that covers ALL of Invercargill.
- You can jump on any bus stop and it still counts as one bus fare (not like Rotorua where sometimes if you get on the "wrong" bus stop exp. on the wrong side of the road or a earlier stop, you have to pa yfor 2 bus fares.)
- There is FREE WIFI on the bus! Yes you read it right, FREE WIFI!
- There is a TV switching in between the weather, Stuff News, Where on the bus route you are and bus promos stuff.
- Before every stop, they announce it on the speakers what the next stop is.
- They have of course cheaper fares for children and elderly.
- On the main bus stop in town there is a countdown telling you when the next bus is coming.
- You can text the bus stop number and get a reply back saying when the next bus from that stop is going.
- And the buses are big a roomy.
You must think wow she is easy to impress because in my town we have that already etc. Well Ive live in Rotorua for 7.5 years and I gotta say the bus system there is crap. Some buses are not even buses but vans. And that is why I am very impressed with Invercargill.